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Document/Image Storage and Retrieval


Innovatech Corporation

ChecWorx is a full-featured, multiplatform electronic check imageprocessing system. ChecWorx is designed for high-volume checkverification at a centralized location or individual check verificationat a clerk's window.ChecWorx has been designed to accept scanned check images for onlineverification with signature cards without the additional handling ofpaper. With its most automated options, scanned check images can be OCR'dand compared to downloaded data files for verification. ChecWorx is alsoable to accept image and data files from large-scale, high-speed scanningsystems such as the Banctec system.ChecWorx can be integrated with existing bank database systems to sharecustomer account information and receive realtime updates. Signaturecards can be scanned into the system and then maintained along with anyrequired special instructions.When used for high-volume processing, ChecWorx has extremely flexiblequeue management capabilities as well as comprehensive reporting.

Language: C, C++
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 1.0,2.0

Innovatech Corporation
5741 Palmer Wy Ste B
Carlsbad, CA 92008
Phone: (619) 929-9679
        (800) 875-8789
Fax: (619) 929-0101